Why Zappos’ CEO Lives in a Trailer, and 13 Other Things You Don’t Know About Him

I have always admired people who don’t let money go to their heads and continue living normal lives even after they have achieve great wealth. Tony Hsieh is one of them. Not only that but he gets involved with the community, in his case Las Vegas, to help make it a better place.

Tony reminds us all that there’s far more to life than personal aggrandizement.

By the way, he has a new book out on management. It’s titled Holocracy and is now on my reading list.

Watch the video.

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One Response to Profile: Tony Hsieh of Zappos

  • Remarkable.

    I’d love to have just 10 ounces of his humility. I’ll be sure to grab his book. How can you not support a guy like Tony.

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