Donald Trump
Scott Adams Talks About Trump’s Optimism, Affirmations, Positive Thinking, and Norman Vincent Peale
I realize that Trump is a controversial figure for some but don’t miss out here because of it. Set your politics aside. This video is about Scott Adams explaining the benefits of optimism, affirmations, positive thinking, and Norman Vincent Peale. Scott is a very successful man who is usually worth listening to when he’s giving advice on how to succeed in life. You can find his talks on YouTune on the McSimonus channel.
Click here to watch:
How Trump Invented Trump: Inside the empire
With The Donald in the news days, Bloomberg Business takes a long look at how he built his empire.
“Hey, if you want a nice, easy, OK life, you can be in the pack … but if you really want to do something, you do have to get out of the pack.” – Donald Rump
This is an interesting question that comes up rather frequently. Which of two pioneering computer industry competitors will have the greater legacy and be remembered longer by history.
I have to go with Gladwell.
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