warren buffett
How to Think About Money Like a Billionaire
Where attention goes, energy flows, and results show.
I have been struggling to get through the huge Warren Buffett biography, The Snowball, for several years now. My first attempt began in 2009 and saw me progress about 70 or 80 pages into it before running out of steam. My second attempt commenced in January of this year and I managed to beat my old record by 30 or 40 pages. However, I seem to have run out of steam yet again. There’s something about this book that grinds you down. Although it’s extremely well researched and written, there’s just way too much detail about Warren’s childhood and personal life as an adult. As a result the business lessons have been excruciatingly slow in coming. (By the way, I was shocked and amused to discover that Warren, who lived an idyllic Henry Aldrich life, was a bit of juvenile delinquent as a boy.)
Although Warren plays the tycoon game of buying companies at the topmost level, much of his advice is still relevant for smaller players.
Warren Buffett – The Book that Changed My Life
Some tycoons become rich by coming up with a single idea that they then pursue to the limit. Others rely on building cookie-cutter systems for creating wealth. Buffett falls into the latter category. Many technology and online entrepreneurs fall into the former, “big idea,” category. In this video Warren talks about the book that set his imagination on fire at an early age and helped him to create the growth system that has made him one of the wealthiest men on the planet. For most of us it’s easier to follow a wealth creation system than it is to come up with a truly original idea.
Bloomberg Game Changers: Warren Buffett Revealed
This is a very good biography of Warren Buffett.
How Billionaires Become Billionaires: Warren Buffett
These are first two segments of the BBC program by Evan Davis on billionaire Warren Buffet that everyone was raving about after it came out. Continue reading
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