Watch the documentary film Billionaire which tells the Larry Hillblom story.

The rules are there are no rules. – Aristotle Onassis

When people ask why I am building this site and the course they get three answers. One, self-made billionaires and tycoons are the best people to study if you want to truly understand business. Their exploits provide not only a wealth of insights into the timeless strategies and tactics for wealth creation but also into how the world really works. They are the ultimate realists who use and game the system for their advantage. Continue reading

Russian Tycoon Alexander Lebedev

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 a group billionaires, or “Oligarchs,” quickly emerged in Russia. By about 1995 there were a handful of billionaires helping Boris Yeltsin to run the country as well as many other up and comers who would comprise the second and third waves of tycoons. As a group these men are fascinating to study because of the unstable and very dangerous environment they had the courage to operate in. Back then to build an empire you also needed a private army of former military, police, and intelligence types to protect your assets.  Some of these private armies had up to 1000 or more members. They guarded the tycoon’s banks, factories, head offices, and families. Whenever a tycoon had to travel across Moscow to attend a meeting it was in a convoy of armored limos and SUV escorts packed with machine-gun wielding men.  Continue reading

Billionaire Movies: A Lesson From The Edge

What one man can do, another can do. – David Mamet’s The Edge

Last evening something reminded me of a line from a 1997 David Mamet movie in which a billionaire is stranded out in the Rocky Mountains after a plane crash along with two other men. The trio then quickly finds itself being stalked by a huge grizzly bear. Anthony Hopkins plays the billionaire, Charles Morse. His companions in the ordeal are played by Alec Baldwin (“Robert”) and Harold Perrineau (“Stephen”). Stephen dies early on leaving Charles and Robert to try to work together in order to survive despite the fact that Charles knows that Robert is having an affair with his wife. Continue reading

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