Billionaire Growth Strategies

Here’s Why You Should Study Tycoons

Before you can attempt something truly big, you will need the courage.
Before you can have the courage, you will need the knowledge.

Do you have what it takes to succeed at the tycoon level?

Here are three reasons why any serious entrepreneur needs to study tycoons:

Tycoons are creative problem-solvers. While most people give up on their goals after hitting an obstacle or having a set-back, tycoons almost always find a way to get the deal done and keep their momentum rolling forward. Where there’s a will there’s most certainly a way.

They are unstoppable. They are real life “Terminators.” Friedrich Nietzsche is famous for having written about the “will to power,” which he believed to be the primary driving force in humans. Specifically, it’s the ambition and drive for achievement, recognition, and the highest possible position in life. Tycoons tend to be the best examples of people with this type of drive.

And last but not least, they are builders. They build companies, edifices, and empires. The best ones leave behind a legacy as well.

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Not only is it widening but the bottom 90% is having to share an ever-shrinking slice of the pie.

After the crash of 2008 millions of people, particularly real estates agents, sought new lines of work. A substantial portion of them hung up their shingles overnight as Twitter consultants. I say this because sites like Linkedin were suddenly swamped with people offering to teach you how to make fast money by twittering. Or is it tweeting? I can never remember. I really don’t care either. It’s a fatuous concept.

The lesson here is that if you are going to survive and thrive you need to do some serious upgrading of your skills set. Any field that allows you to step in overnight and proclaim yourself an expert and consultant is to be avoided.

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No Business is Too Big to Fail or Too Small to Succeed – Sobering stats on business failures

I saw the infographic when it was first released last week, or the one before, and made a note to revisit it when I had time. That still hasn’t happened but Brian Solis has been kind enough to  break it down into parts, and address them individually.

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How Do You Sell to and Grow in a Market That Can’t Afford Your Product?

If Horace Greeley were alive today he would no doubt be advising, “Go east, young man,” to Africa specifically, to anyone seeking advice on how to make their fortune.  I will add that, in my humble opinion, there is no better way to make one’s fortune than in an adventure. It’s the stuff of biographies and movies. Who wouldn’t want Martin Scorsese eventually doing a biopic of their life?

I have mentioned the billionaire founder of telecom Celtel, Dr. Mo Ibrahim, before with the intention of taking a closer look at his growth strategy in Africa. It’s a fascinating story about creative problem solving. Unfortunately a few projects got in the way and before I knew it a couple of years had passed. Now I return to him.

However, before we take a look at how he made Celtel so successful, I want to take a minute to explain how and why a West Coast kid became interested in Africa and what deterred me from doing business there.

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